
4月14日- 21日

韦德娱乐app下载地址学校每年春天都会举办为期一周的艺术节来庆祝艺术, capped off with an 艺术 and Earth Day celebration on the final day. 


Jazz Roots/Rock Band kicked off 艺术 Festival with a fantastic concert! 


A group of student musicians spent the day at Morning Star Recording, working with grammy winning engineer Glenn Baratt to record a demo. 


艾莉·本特利教了一节关于如何画人头的人物画课. 她曾在全国范围内展出, with solo exhibitions in Philadelphia, 纽约, 芝加哥, 和圣地亚哥. Allie is represented by the Bridgette Mayer Gallery in Philadelphia, PA, and Jo Fleming Contemporary Art in Annapolis, MD. 她在马里兰州罗克维尔的蒙哥马利学院教授人物画和素描.


摇滚乐队的学生们在Jarrett Gilgore的指导下进行了一场关于冥想和音乐即兴创作的精彩研讨会! Jarrett is a multi-instrumentalist, improviser, composer, and teacher. 

电影 学生 were joined by Hollywood insider Alison Bennett. An Emmy-nominated writer/producer for television and film. 她目前是即将上映的Netflix电视剧的联合执行制片人,并为索尼写了一篇特写.  Alison just spent five years on an overall deal at 20th Television, where she was 工作人员ed on shows like “Single 父母” (ABC), 《韦德娱乐苹果手机版下载》(LA to Vegas, FOX), 和儿童的 & Family Emmy-nominated “Doogie Kamealoha, MD” (Disney+). 在整个交易过程中, 艾莉森还为迪士尼旗下的电视网开发和监督试播节目. 艾莉森在20号之前, 她是FXX广受好评的喜剧《韦德娱乐app下载地址》前四季的编剧.其他电视作品包括Hulu的《韦德娱乐苹果手机版下载》(The awesome)和亚马逊工作室的《韦德娱乐app下载地址》(Betas)。. 

祝贺STC:在巴克斯县剧场学生戏剧节上的出色表演! 索伯里学校获得了三项大奖. The Sock and Buskin Award for outstanding performances in comedy (Firebringer)及戏剧(#足够), the Creative Advocacy Award for their work on #够了:结束枪支暴力25岁的Kaz Jahanbini获得了“杰出人物奖” Firebringer


城市俚语唱片艺术家, 蹦蹦队 装配时播放.

长笛演奏家Anna Cristina Tang Sung '23在青年艺术家音乐会系列中与Kim Harris钢琴和特邀嘉宾Leel Dias '23一起演出, 格雷格以至于, 和凯西·布洛克.




This year's workshops were hosted by professionals, as well as enthusiasts from our own community (teachers, 校友, 学生, 和父母). 他们的特色:

  • 开始萨尔萨舞工作坊与世界冠军交际舞莎朗·维诺库罗夫
    Sharonne Vinokurov taught a beginner Salsa class. Students learned the basics of dancing Salsa on 1/LA Style. 

  • Cartooning with cartoonist and multimedia artist Griff Jurchak 
    Griff uses visual langu年龄 pulled from comics, 广告, 超现实主义, and graffiti to process and convey the absurdity of modern life. He has a BFA in Visual Art and Writing from Marlboro College.

  • Carving out a Space with Ceramic Artist Salvatore Annunziato 
    Director of Woodkiln operations / Artist residency program, 兰开斯特创意工厂, Salvatore讨论了作为一名艺术家的可持续生活,并分享了他探索不同方法来创造既感觉良好又能产生可生活工资的艺术实践的经验. All while helping you to make your own handmade vase or object.

  • Tie Dye with Maddy Cunningham ’23 and Clara Borthwick ’23
    玛蒂和克拉拉用很酷的卷发和多种颜色教他们扎染的细节, and a little color theory in practice.

  • Crochet with Solebury Parent Relations Man年龄r Lisa Juris 
    Lisa taught how to get started crocheting, 为一个小项目提供指导,参与者可以开始并随身携带. 

  • 与Solebury摄影老师Kelli Abdoney一起进行针孔相机摄影
    针孔照片是一个直接的过程. Participants put photographic paper in a lightproof box, 然后把他们的针孔相机拿到外面,把“针孔”上的盖子打开,把胶片暴露在光线下. After that, the magic began when they developed their im年龄. The im年龄s appeared on their blank white paper right before their eyes! 

  • Playwriting with Solebury Technical Director Titus O’Neil
    参与者讨论了标准游戏格式和构成优秀故事的要素, then put it into practice by writing a 3-5 minute scene.

  • DEI Mosaic Setting with Allison Tes ’24
    Participants worked with Allison to set the mural created during DEI day. 

  • Introduction to Graphic Design with Jen
    Have you ever wondered how all those cool logos are made? Or wondered how a laser cutter works? 快来参加这个动手的会议,学习如何使用Adobe Illustrator来创建您自己的个人标志. Maybe make something fun on the laser cutter?

  • 丽贝卡·凯利的《韦德娱乐苹果手机版下载》

  • Henna Tattoos with Samantha Kitchen ’24
    萨曼莎简要介绍了历史上的指甲花和指甲花的用法. Participants then designed their own henna tattoo.

  • Zentangle w/ Subooha Zafar P ' 26
    Subooha demonstrated the art of meditative drawing, zentangle.

  • Color Forecasting with Laura Williams P’24
    色彩预测是预测消费者在不久的将来想要购买的颜色和色彩故事的实践. Laura taught how it works, who is involved, and how it is used.  

  • Cake Decorating with Solebury’s Cari Nelson P’24 and Lori Davis
    Participants channeled their inner great British bake-off dreams.

  • Paint your own skate deck with Solebury Athletic Trainer Caitlin Miller
    凯特琳帮助学生们用记号笔制作他们自己的滑板甲板, 油漆笔, 丙烯酸颜料.

  • 赫希菲尔德和大卫·利奥波德
    David took us on a tour of the Hirschfeld Century, 艾尔·赫施菲尔德(1903-2003)在82年的时间里记录并定义了许多流行文化, 特别是通过他在百老汇和好莱坞的作品的绘画.

Elite Ensemble provided a lovely evening of music. Concert attendees enjoyed works by Joseph Bologne, 爱德华埃尔加, 艾灵顿公爵, 乔Hisaishi, 贾斯汀比伯, 伦纳德·科恩. 


We ended the week with an Art and Earth Day Community Celebration. Solebury 家庭 joined us to enjoy live music and poetry, admire and purchase student crafts and artwork, and spruce up their gardens with items from the plant sale.

韦德娱乐app下载地址剧团 (STC) presented a st年龄d reading of #够了:结束枪支暴力. 这部强有力的小品剧集是由全国各地的高中生写的, exploring the impact of gun violence on individuals, 家庭, 和社区. STC筹集了740美元的捐款 Everytown该组织孜孜不倦地致力于防止枪支暴力和促进枪支安全. 如果没有你们对这一关键事业的慷慨支持和承诺,这是不可能实现的.
